Friday, September 28, 2012

Cleaning Microwave with Vinegar

This is my microwave: 

This is evidence of an EPIC mommy fail...warming baby food up for more than 10 seconds leads to nasty brain looking matter (maybe more like poo looking matter) on the inside of the microwave...
And of course I left it...
Don't ask how long I left it. You'll think less of me if I told you.

I Pinned: how to clean your microwave in 2 minutes

Are you sure this will only take 2 minutes??

 I Tried:  Water and white vinegar in a microwave bowl for 5 minutes...The link above will tell in more detail. But seriously EPIC win for my old school corelle wear!! If you wanna conquer something and have it last long time your take corelle with you! This bowl belonged to my grandmother who passed away 6 years ago, who had said bowl for 50 some odd years before it was given to me.
 yada yada moving on...

5 minutes later...
ooohhh ahhhh!  I must say that it was really nice to just wipe it all off.
It was really flake like in texture so a lot of it fell onto my glass top stove right below which made for more clean up.
I conquered: Why yes...BUT it did take me longer than two minutes to clean it. More like 10 minutes. Also I put in the water bowl for another 5 minutes just to steam up the really bad bits that wouldn't come off more.  Adding probably 10 more minutes of clean up time..Had to pick off some spots with my fingernails too...It was nasty...but after all was said and done, my poor stove was wounded in the mission of bombed baby food clean up with water and vinegar... Adding more cleaning...meh...Oh well it's clean! hoorah!!

So pretty!

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